
Terms & Privacy

Things you agree to by using this site and the extension

Any ground rules?

You won't abuse the service, or use the service to abuse others.

What information do we collect?

When you sign up for an account, we collect your email address.

When you're on a news site, we also collect the URL and headline of the page you're viewing to help us remove bias from the headline.

How do we use your information?

We use your email for authentication purposes. We may also use your email to communicate updates about the extension and other projects we release. We'll make sure to have unsubscribe links on anything we send you that's not related to the extension.

We also use the URL and headline of the page you're viewing to help us remove bias from the headline. We may also use them to generate aggregate statistics about the bias of news headlines.

Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?


How long do we keep your information?

We keep your email for authentication purposes indefinitely. If you want us to remove it, let us know at unspun@chadmarg.com!